A doctor and patient have a respectful conversation during an office visit.

Code of conduct

Patient, family and visitor code of conduct

HealthPartners is committed to providing a safe healing environment where everyone is welcome, included and valued. All interactions should be respectful.

Our code of conduct is a guide used to protect everyone, including our patients, visitors, clinicians, nurses and care teams

To increase safety, we expect everyone to:

  • Address each other in a respectful manner
  • Keep all weapons, illegal or dangerous items, alcohol, cannabis, illicit drugs, and tobacco out of our facilities

Disrespectful, racist, discriminatory, hostile and harassing words and actions won’t be tolerated

Examples include:

  • Offensive comments about others’ race, accent, religion, gender or sexual orientation
  • Refusal to see a care team member because of their race, accent, religion, gender or sexual orientation
  • Verbal threats and assaults
  • Physical threats and assaults
  • Sexual or vulgar words and actions
  • Disrupting another patient’s care or experience
  • Photographing or recording anyone without permission

We’ll take appropriate action to protect our colleagues, members and patients if anyone violates our code of conduct

We will provide care to patients who need emergency care or an assessment under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).

Patients, family members and visitors who don’t follow this code of conduct may be escorted off property and be prohibited from returning in the future.

If you witness or experience any of these behaviors, please report it to your care team.